Saturday 24 September 2011

Thriving Time For City Architecture

Brent Bellamy, Thriving time for city architecture leading lights from across globe leaving marks on our landscape, Winnipeg Free Press Monday Sept 19th B5, Editor Steve Pona, Design Architect for Number Ten Architectural Group.

This article discusses critical and unique Winnipeg architecture. Winnipeg’s distinctive architectural was created because of our strange urban growth pattern in the last century. There have been two boom periods or architecture in Winnipeg and its upsetting we are leading towards rapid expansion of urban form. This article speaks of Winnipeg’s popular architectural firms such as McKim Mead and white who as they built our city were designing in Chicago, New York and Toronto. Winnipeg’s past in the 1950’s promoted this new movement of architecture and we are internationally acclaimed as a city recognized for its provocative contemporary design. An example was Antoine Precock designing the Canadian museum for Human rights. “Local architects are slowly establishing an outside reputation for beautiful innovative and technologically advanced design.” There was a recent announcement that local firm 5468796 and Jae-Sung Chon will represent Winnipeg in the Venice Biennale, the world’s most prestigious international art and architecture exhibition. Critical and inspiring architecture forms Winnipeg’s distinct land and this article helped prove Winnipeg is full of outstanding design potential.

Credits: Winnipeg Free Press

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