Monday 26 September 2011

Critical Architecture (notes)

Tectonic explains how things are built and constructed together - process of layers build to theorize, explain and contrast ideas with value judgments including:

  • Act of Construction – how things are produced, created, intentions behind the process
  • Layering of frames and materials
  • Poetry of active design
Theory in design        

  • A discourse that describes practice and productions that identifies the challenges. 
  • Essential quality: anticipates certain potentials, it allows for potential connections and discoveries within the work.
  • Recurring themes and theoretical questions:

  • Origin and limits of design (architecture)
  •  Relationship to history and context
  • Issues of (architectural) expressions and their meaning

Intention – Production – Consumption
-        Competition in the economy influences the production line
-        Pertain to be as a “public act” rather than “private” (architecture)

Cultural Context
Modernity involves mass production, suppression, function, dogma, clarity. It was a cut throat generation where the distinction between social and cultural segregations were obvious. Function seems like such a practical word in the midst of derogatory terms. 

Post Modern – The right for individual interpretation was evident – “Readers rights”.  Cultural conformity began, and where formal architecture made its mark. Experimentation with design encourages criticism and translation. There is more chance of mistranslation (fuzzy possibilities).

Beyond Romanticism/ Into Realism

  • The commercial world changes you can’t account for and architecture might seems like a mere tool/vehicle for something rather noble 
  • Architecture as objects or passage
  • Post modernism is usually regarded as awful
Critical Architecture
Engages cultural mechanism.  It explores what is contained.  It is now not only about how the construction looks, but how it functions and the experience that is evident within it.  
-        Design away from the norm
-        What other uses do a door and window have?
-        Out of the box thinking

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