Sunday 23 October 2011

Regionalism/ Materials & New Living (Class Notes)

Max Weber
“Disenchantment of the world due to rationalization and secularization”
“Iron age of capitalism in which modern world is imprisoned”

Post-human theory of human nature machine all together as one.

Conflict? Relevance?
-Rationalism/ regionalism
-Culture/ civilization
-Organic/ rational
-Codes: technological/ cultural

Regionalism dilemma
-Essentialism (contextualism)
-Authenticity & representation
-“Use of local materials, sensitivity to context”
-What makes something authentic? Value?
-What is the public collective value?

Good way to represent authentic regional architecture

Ex) delta shelter-olson sundberg kindig allen architects
-Building relates to the atmosphere of environment morph change to e in control of the environmental perform ability.
-Decision that’s performative to response of communication
Image taken from

ex 2) Patau architects seabird school
-Uses local labor trained them to build the building

There is a core issues with the client, joint positions with the client and architectural manifestations. The end result is unknown.

Other examples were shown such as toyo ito – bridge pavilion, sendai mediateque columns. And foa yoko-hama port building

Tu-Vaccum ball bridge

-New language of architecture

New territory
bridge optimistic version for merchants
LTL architects new suburbanism
Laneway house- superkul
Keenan house/// Faye the village, Arkansas
Marlon Blackwell

New living
Investigate your tectonic place.
We all live differently.
Elevate to a level all the functions used when you’re there.
How do you live? (series of room configuration)
Do we create a new transivibile way of living?
Space can be changed make it any way like you.

New agenda
-Reuse/ recycle
-Places created cancer city vision division concrete habitat for crayfish
-Building for animals human nature typologies.

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