Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Ecstasy of Communication (Class Notes)

Beginning of class, we discuss technology revolution and publication or monumental through media sense. 

  • New Agenda 1 (New Material)
    • Rural Studio
      • Mason's Bend Chapel 
      • Lucy's House (uses recycle material)
  • New Agenda 2 (Productive Landscape)
    • (NIMBY)- Not In My Back Yard 
    • urban zoning regulations
    • Wetland Machine of Bidwell 
      • K Timberlake/ Natural System 
    • Trash Track - SENsable City Lab, MIT 
      • garbage consumes more energy
    • Public Farm - WORK architecture 
      • MFO Park Zurich (Raderschall Landscape Architect + Burchhardt)
  • New Agenda 3 (New Neighbours)
    • New Communities 
Hyper Modernism 
  • Where there is an excessive amount of technology 
  • Is it inevitable that surveillance occur constantly
  • Is it possible to be alone in hyper modernism?
FREE SPEECH - What is most influential? 
  • Baudrillard mentions that form(freedom) of speech decreases in this hypermodernism world
  • Is architecture = free speech?
Obscenity = negative in communication (is it positive in architecture?)
If form follows function --> is that obscene?

Baudrillard: obscene- as an over exposure of the scene leaving nothing to the imagination, are we creating more scenes than before?

Roland Barthes 
  • From subjective "logic possession and projection to "logic of driving"
  • Value of possessions decreases instead the circulation/"driving" increases 

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